SKI 02.22
Backup-as-a-Service under a SKI framework agreement
Public-sector organizations can achieve significant benefits with Backup-as-a-Service, including heightened data security and compliance and reduced pressure on investments and internal IT resources. It is possible to enter into a BaaS agreement as a SKI 02.22 framework agreement for a variety of services within IT operations.

SKI 02.22 sub-supplier
B4Restore is an approved SKI 02.22 sub-supplier, and can therefore be selected as a supplier through our partner network. Over nearly two decades, B4Restore has specialized in backup solutions so that our customers can concentrate on their core business. We ensure the highest possible standards for data security, compliance, and separation of duties, and we manage and operate our own ISO 27001-certified data centers in Denmark.
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The Financial Impact of a Ransomware Attack
If you are hit by a ransomware attack, the financial aftermath is not about the size of the ransom itself, or whether or not you should pay the extortion. The most serious financial burden is the collateral damage to your revenue.

What is true as-a-Service?
How a tailor-made and well-executed As-a-Service solution is packed with subscription-based benefits.