Data Monitoring
Cloud-portal for automation

B4R Storage Portal

Our cloud-native SaaS solution for automation and management - enables you to control your storage and backup environments. We offer a simple and modern interface with self-service, reports and business insights, allowing easy API integration with your own systems. Get ready to reduce complexity and improve resource management for business-critical IT tasks.  

B4R Storage Portal

API Integration Cloud portal

API integration

Our cloud portal allows easy API integration with your own systems.

Manage and operate storage and backup

Manage and operate

Storage and backup environment management made easy.

Business Insights - data trends in real time

Business insights

Catch the trends in your data in real-time.

Self-service and automation

Self-service and automation

Modern interface with web access.

Integration and API

In the complex multi-cloud environment of today, you need the ability to integrate to your different services and applications. That is why our cloud portal is designed for self-service and easy integrations, following our state-of-the-art IT security restrictions.

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