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March 2024

Danish Cloud Object Storage S3 and Data Residency Concerns

Over the past 12 months I have seen an increased focus on data residency when customers and partners are leveraging the plethora of cloud services from the likes of AWS and Microsoft. This focus in my continuous dialogues with both customers and partners seems to center on backup data residency, and backup data separation from the cloud-based production environments themselves.

If there’s smoke…

As I reflect on this, the reality is that today, where data is the lifeblood of businesses and organizations, safeguarding sensitive information against potential threats and breaches is of course paramount. For Danish customers and partners entrusting their data to cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, ensuring robust data protection measures and compliance with local regulations is of utmost importance.

Now, I would argue that Denmark, known for its stringent data protection laws and emphasis on data sovereignty, has seen a rise in concerns among cloud customers regarding the geographic placement of their data vis-a-vis the rise in cyber related criminal activities. This is where the choice between global giants like AWS and Azure and local data protection services such as backup, storage and business continuity hosted in, and provisioned from Danish data centers potentially becomes crucial, or at the very least relevant to assess prior to decision making.

Size matters, until it doesn’t…

AWS and Azure, with their extensive global infrastructure and array of services, offer compelling solutions for businesses seeking scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness in managing their data. However, surveys seem to indicate that Danish customers often find themselves grappling with the dilemma of balancing the advantages of these global platforms with concerns about data residency and jurisdictional control.

One viable alternative gaining traction among Danish customers is opting for local cloud storage hosted in Danish data centers on Danish soil. This approach addresses the anxieties surrounding data sovereignty by ensuring that sensitive information remains within the borders of Denmark, subject to local laws and regulations.

As far as I am concerned having spent more than 20 years in this space, the importance of geographic location in data storage cannot be overstated, especially in a country like Denmark, where data protection regulations are stringent and adherence to compliance standards is non-negotiable. By choosing local data centers, Danish customers can maintain better control and oversight over their data, minimizing the risks associated with cross-border data transfers and potential conflicts of jurisdiction.

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Quality in service design and delivery is always in vogue…

In keeping with market demands, and continuously monitoring customer and partner requirements while also observing the evolving threat landscape, the presence of ISO-certified data centers adds another layer of assurance for Danish customers and partners concerned about the security and integrity of their data – particularly their backup data, which ultimately will safeguard business continuity. ISO certifications demonstrate compliance with international standards for information security and quality management systems, underscoring the commitment of data center providers to maintaining the highest standards of security and reliability.

In addition to stringent security measures and compliance certifications, Danish customers and partners also value the availability of 24/7 support from Danish specialist staff. This ensures prompt assistance and tailored solutions to address any concerns or issues that may arise, further enhancing the overall customer experience and instilling confidence in the chosen cloud native backup, storage, and business continuity service.

Think about it…

When it comes to data protection concerns in the realm of leveraging global cloud services, Danish customers and partners are free to consider to:

  • Opt for local cloud backup, storage and business continuity services hosted in Danish data centers to ensure compliance with local regulations and maintain control over data sovereignty.
  • Choose ISO-certified data centers to guarantee adherence to international standards for information security and quality management.
  • Leverage 24/7 support from Danish specialist staff to ensure prompt assistance and tailored solutions for their specific needs and preferences.

I have no protectionist intentions when I state this. By adhering to these recommendations, Danish customers and partners can mitigate data protection risks and ensure the security, integrity, and compliance of their sensitive information stored in the cloud, thereby safeguarding their interests and reputation in an increasingly digital world.

Do the right thing…

No. 1 Protect Your Business Confidently

  • B4Restore has been protecting customers’ critical data for more than 20 years.

No.2 Leverage a High-Performance Data Protection Service

  • B4Restore’s Backup-as-a-Service executes more than 70,000,000 backup jobs annually.

No. 3 Identify and Hire a Certified Managed Services Provider

  • B4Restore’s information security standard is ISO 27001 certified.
  • B4Restore’s Business Continuity Management approach is ISO 22301 certified.
  • B4Restore has the independent service auditor’s ISAE 3000 assurance report.
photo of Henrik Lind

Henrik Lind, Chief Technology Officer, B4Restore A/S

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