ESG and Data Center

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)

Green by Design

Today, every company needs to address sustainability, carbon footprint and social responsibility – no matter what industry it works in, and even if its core business has no direct impact on the environment. All companies have a responsibility for their entire supply chain, from their energy supply to the diet and health of their employees.

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Green or Black Data

It’s no secret that data processing and storage leave a carbon footprint. The more data, the bigger the footprint. As companies, we must therefore make an effort to keep data volume to a minimum and to regularly clean up and optimize. We also need to take a critical look at the environmental sustainability of our data storage.

Minimizing the Carbon Footprint

Moving your data to Storage-as-a-Service or Backup-as-a-Service can benefit the environment. Data are consolidated in a state-of-the-art, effective, energy-labeled data center, where energy-efficient cooling and consumption are a high priority.

What’s more, smart data processes help to keep data volume to a minimum; for instance, when we recommend and advise on ideal storage and backup strategies. And deduplication and data compression technologies also contribute to a reduction in volume of data.

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The Financial Impact of a Ransomware Attack

If you are hit by a ransomware attack, the financial aftermath is not about the size of the ransom itself, or whether or not you should pay the extortion. The most serious financial burden is the collateral damage to your revenue.

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What is true as-a-Service?

How a tailor-made and well-executed As-a-Service solution is packed with subscription-based benefits.

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Yes, We Have a Backup

Of course you do, but does it work? Why you need to test your data backup and recovery plan before you actually need it.

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Your Best Defense Against Ransomware

The best defense against ransomware is a backup that is kept completely separate from your production data.