About B4Restore

… a leading enterprise-class data protection service provider

B4Restore, with a 20-year history in backup, storage, and business continuity, has evolved into a leading data protection-as-a-service provider.

The landscape has shifted from early data protection awareness to the current prevalence of cyber threats, emphasizing the critical role of backup data in organizational resilience.

B4Restore’s approach involves a convergence of backup and data protection, leveraging advanced technologies, AI/ML, and an uncompromising separation-of-duties governance framework.

B4Restore advises clients and partners to prioritize people, protocol, and discipline over technology, emphasizing a transition to Data Protection as-a-Service for robust security.

B4Restore’s services, ISO-certified and ISAE assured, ensure enterprise-grade protection while flawlessly executing over 70,000,000 backup jobs annually.

Committed to Excellence

Our mission is to design, manage and operate best-in-class solutions ensuring the highest possible data security in the form of always-up-to-date software and hardware, full separation of duties and ISO certification.

Since 2003 we have transformed the market and introduced de facto Storage-as-a-Service (StaaS) and Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS) models, reducing our clients’ costs, complexity and resource consumption, while adding flexibility, scalability and data insights.

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Photo of a technician in a data centre

Leading Experts in our Field

We have accumulated leading expertise and know-how on how to optimize IT infrastructure end-to-end. We secure critical mass and free our customers from reliance of individual employees. Our specialist team is our most important resource, and we focus on competences, certifications and education. As a result, B4Restore employees work as global beta-testers and more than half of our specialist team has more than 20 years of domain experience.

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One Company – One Solution

B4Restore consolidates our customers’ storage and backup data into one solution and keep it continuously in sync – regardless of whether the data source is on-premises or in the cloud. Today we operate in Northern Europe and have data centers in Scandinavia. Any customer is fully covered in all continents, and we are supporting customers with footprint in e.g. China, Australia, India, Americas.

Consolidation of storage and backups in B4Restore’s highly efficient datacenters is a sustainable solution for our customers, as B4Restore can optimize cooling, storage, and compute power consumption to ensure a low PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness). Furthermore, storage and backup data are consolidated on high density disks and tape to lower environmental footprint and power consumption (CO2).

photo of B4Restore headquarters

Company Information

  • Business registration number: DK27719945
  • Bank: Danske Bank
  • Legal advisors: Gorrissen Federspiel
  • Auditors: Beierholm A/S
  • Credit rating: Since 2010, B4Restore A/S has been rated AAA by the credit rating company Soliditet.
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The Financial Impact of a Ransomware Attack

If you are hit by a ransomware attack, the financial aftermath is not about the size of the ransom itself, or whether or not you should pay the extortion. The most serious financial burden is the collateral damage to your revenue.

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What is true as-a-Service?

How a tailor-made and well-executed As-a-Service solution is packed with subscription-based benefits.

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Yes, We Have a Backup

Of course you do, but does it work? Why you need to test your data backup and recovery plan before you actually need it.

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Your Best Defense Against Ransomware

The best defense against ransomware is a backup that is kept completely separate from your production data.