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Cyber-crime and Defense Strategies

Get in-depth insights from the Danish Centre for Cyber Security (CFCS) about the current threat assessments, common types of ransomware attacks, defense strategies, and new ecosystems within cyber-crime.

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Ransomware Protection

The threat of a ransomware attack has never been more present than it is today, and organizations need to take severe measures for cybersecurity.

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5 Questions a CFO Needs to Ask IT Security

IT security is business critical and should never be considered a mere expense: Done right, IT Security has the potential to accelerate a business, and it can be a disaster if the right security systems aren’t in place.

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Guide to Data Classification

Can you put a price-tag on your data? A tier-based approach to storage and backup lets you optimize performance and cut-cost at the same time.

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Yes, We Have a Backup

Of course you do, but does it work? Why you need to test your data backup and recovery plan before you actually need it.

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What is true as-a-Service?

How a tailor-made and well-executed As-a-Service solution is packed with subscription-based benefits.

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The Financial Impact of a Ransomware Attack

If you are hit by a ransomware attack, the financial aftermath is not about the size of the ransom itself, or whether or not you should pay the extortion. The most serious financial burden is the collateral damage to your revenue.